Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day

Finally Christmas morning arrived and we went over to Nick and Heather's to celebrate with my family. There was no shortage of presents and excitement at the Troxell house! Maggie and Mason were great cousins and helped Peyton open up her presents. After spending the morning with my family we went to dinner with Dominic's family. But Christmas was not over yet...Saturday we got more presents and celebrating done with the rest of family. After a long few days of celebrating we have a house full of great toys and a closet full of cute clothes! Thank you to all of our wonderful grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins for making Peyton's first Christmas memorable! She is a very loved little girl. 

Merry First Christmas Peyton

These photos were taken on Christmas Eve. We spent the day letting Peyton open her presents from us and then we went over to Nana and Papa's to celebrate with them. Peyton got a ton of great toys and a wagon that we are so excited to use this summer. She did great opening the gifts and of course trying to eat the paper. 

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Dominic and Peyton posing in front of the Christmas tree. 

Peyton has mastered the "army crawl" and is days away from learning how to actually crawl. In the last week she has figured out that she can move off of the blanket I have her on whenever she wants. Now I cannot keep her on it. She follows either me or Twix all around the house. Poor Twix has been a very good sport and appreciates the extra attention she has been getting. Peyton has also discovered the presents under the tree and already knows which ones are hers to open in a few days. She has 2 teeth now and is working on getting her top 2 teeth as well as another bottom one. 

Peyton and Conley

Peyton and Conley (2 months) finally got to meet. It was love at first sight! Once Conley laid eyes on Peyton's big brown eyes he couldn't stop smiling at her. Peyton of course was more into getting down and playing but eventually she started to smile back. She even showed him some affection by poking him. Unfortunately Conley lives in Minnesota so Peyton was sure to give him a big smooch on the back of his head before we said good-bye. I can't wait to watch Peyton and Conley grow up. Who knows in 16 years we may be taking prom photos with them together!

Christmas Tree

After getting all bundled up we went out to brave the 30 degree weather to cut down our Christmas tree. Then once finally home and warm we started the decorating. Peyton was a little worried the tree was going to swallow me up while I was putting on the lights and would fuss every time I walked behind the tree. But once the lights were on she was able to put up her first ornament...a Sweet Pea, of course! 


We took Peyton to see Santa this year at the Streets of Tanasbourne. The Santa just walked around the outdoor mall and would unfold a chair to take a photo with a kiddo. Peyton wasn't at all afraid of him. She did think his hairy beard was a little funny though. Unfortunately we couldn't get a picture of both Santa and Peyton looking at the camera and smiling though. Maybe next year.

Peyton loves her cousins Maggie and Mason. Maggie (5) and Mason (2) love to play with Peyton and hold her. Maggie got to feed Peyton her first bottle a couple weeks ago and was very proud of herself. I think soon I will have to have Maggie over to "baby-sit".  The bottom picture is Peyton studying up on her football. Daddy was teaching her some very important plays that Peyton thought were pretty funny!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sitting Up!!

At just about 6 1/2 months Peyton started sitting up and getting up onto her hands and knees. She hasn't figured out how to actually crawl but she is rocking back and forth a lot. It is definitely just around the corner. She does scoot on her belly everywhere she needs to go though. 

On 11/17/09 Peyton's first tooth showed its ugly head and explained the recent fussiness. Quickly followed by her second. Soon both bottom teeth will be fully in and I am sure make for a cute photo. We still can't get over how quickly she is growing up. She actually rode in the grocery cart sitting up the other day with me like a big girl. (Thanks Aunt Julie for the shopping cart cover!) 


Halloween 2009. Peyton was a ballerina for her first Halloween. She was the most adorable ballerina ever...of course next to her cousin Maggie who was also a ballerina. Peyton didn't get to go trick or treating this year it was too late for her. But she did manage to keep her eyes open long enough to see a couple trick or treaters. We are looking forward to next year when she can walk up to a door and get her own candy!

Friday, October 30, 2009

6 Month photo shoot

Peyton modeled today for her 6 month photos. I haven't been very good at getting photos done on a regular basis. So I was very excited to get her in today. She did so great. There were just too many adorable pictures to choose from. I know I am bias because I am her mom but I don't think she could get any cuter! Because tomorrow is Halloween we decided why not show off her costume. This year...her very first Halloween...Peyton is going to be a ballerina. Her Grammie made her a tutu and headband. She looks so sweet in it.

Now that Peyton is 6 months old she is moving all over the place. She hasn't quite mastered how to pull herself forward but she can go sideways and backwards like a champ. When she wants to she can get anywhere she wants. We entice her to move forward with her favorite toys...the remote control, cell phone or the cat! We are also working on sitting up which she is doing great with. Before we know it she will be moving everywhere throughout the house. Looks like it is time to start baby proofing!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ryser's Farm Pumpkin Patch

My Aunt and Uncle have a pumpkin patch that we took Peyton to. Last year this time I went to the pumpkin patch to tell my family I was pregnant. It was very exciting to be taking my family picture this year on the hay. Peyton loved the chickens and chatted with them while sitting on her Grammy's lap. Next year she'll be running around the patch picking out her own pumpkins!

Mitchell's Pumpkin Party

The Annual Mitchell Pumpkin Party!


We decided to spend our 2nd Anniversary in our favorite place...Sunriver. This was also our first family vacation. We were there the first weekend in October and woke up Sunday morning to 4 inches of snow. Peyton had a weekend of many firsts. First trip to Sunriver, first family vacation and first time seeing snow!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy Little P

Our little P has turned out to be quite the happy little girl. Most of the time it doesn't take much effort to get her to smile. She is 5 months old now and rolling over quite a bit. She loves to stand up as much as possible which makes me worry she will want to be walking sooner than later!!