Sunday, July 19, 2009

I am 3 months old!!!

Peyton recently turned 3 months old and thinks that means she is a big girl now. She really wants to sit up and see the world. Every time she is laying down she tries to lift her head and pull herseld up. We started propping her up in her Bumbo which she loves. When she is on her tummy she is great at lifting her head up and looking around. She has rolled over a few times onto her back. But mostly she likes to kick her legs like she is trying to skoot. Once she figures out how to dig her toes into the ground she will be moving all over. Dom and I are amazed how quickly she is growing and how much she changes from day to day!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cannon Beach

Last weekend we took Peyton to Cannon Beach for the first time. This was her longest car ride and on the way she did wonderful. On the way home she cried off and on for 20 minutes until she finally feel asleep. She has a bad habit of fighting going to sleep...definately did not get that from her Mommy!! The day at the beach was beautiful and sunny. We wandered around the streets of Cannon Beach and then took Peyton to see the ocean. It was super windy by the beach though and she also decided a nap would be good so she misssed seeing the ocean up close this time. We'll have to talk Daddy into taking her back before the summer is over.

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th of July!!!
Peyton celebrated her first 4th of July! In the morning we sat outside and watched a parade in our neighborhood. Then we went with all of the grandparents to the parade in Oak Hills. Peyton sat on Grandpa Ferraro's lap the entire time and took it all in. Unfortunately she only sported her new shades for a few seconds...but she looked adorable while it lasted! After the parades Peyton's day was full of bbqs, family and friends. We had a blast and can't wait for next year when she is running around and watching the fireworks instead of sleeping through them.