Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Every year in January we go to Sunriver with our good friends the Moroney's. Over the last few years there have been new additions added to the group. First Quinn, then Aiden and now finally Peyton. Quinn and Aiden love their "baby Peyton." Every time Peyton was napping Quinn repeatedly asked where she was. He even said one night that he would dream about her. As you can see in one of the pictures both boys are giving her loves while she rides on their motorcycle. Peyton though the tractor and the motorcycle were the coolest toys ever. She spent a great deal of time power lifting them and making "ooohhh" noises like they were really heavy. Fortunately it did snow while we were there so we got to get out and put Peyton in her snow suit and go for a walk. We had a blast with the Moroney's and can't wait for next year when all of the kids will be running around and sledding down hills!

Happy Birthday Dominic

For Dominic's birthday Peyton and I wanted to do something special. So we decided to "paint" a card for him. Of course Peyton would eat real finger paints so we improvised and used carrots. Peyton did a great job smearing the carrots around and said "da-da" the entire time. This was by far Dominic's favorite birthday present he received this year.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Peyton is now starting to pull herself up. We finished her playroom...aka...my office so that I can work while she plays. While I was busy typing away she crawled over to her activity table got up on her knees and then stood up. But wait it didn't end there. After she was standing and playing she wanted to climb on top of it. Now that she has discovered that she can climb she loves to climb on Dom and I. I am scared that she is going to be a climber once she has mastered her balance on her feet.

She is also constantly saying "Da-da". I went in to get her from her nap the other day and she was sitting up, gave me the huggest grin and said "da-da". Guess she got used to her dad being on vacation over Christmas! Hopefully she will be saying "ma-ma" here shortly.