Monday, January 24, 2011

More snow park

I think this picture is absolutely adorable. Peyton kept saying "I hold daddy" while we were there. This is her way of saying "I want daddy to hold me".
Fortunately there were some smiles.
This is Peyton standing in a giant footprint.

Snow Park

Amy, Quinn (3), Steven and Aiden (2)

This is how Peyton truly felt...
Quinn and Aiden sledding
Dominic and I sledding

Sunriver fun

This last weekend we took our annual January trip to Sunriver with the Moroney's. I can't remember how many years we have been doing this but every year we have such a blast and cannot wait for the following year. It began before kids and is even more special sharing it with our children.

Unfortunately this year there was no snow in Sunriver. We had to take the kids to a snow park so they could sled. Peyton was really unsure about everything. But in her defense the snow was pretty much ice...never the less we had a ton of fun!

Dom and Peyton at the Village Mall in Sunriver
Climbing to the top.
Aiden giving Peyton one of his many loves. These 2 boys love "Baby Peyton"
Peyton running through the house.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

More potty time

Peyton is now 20 months old. We are not officially "potty training" her but she has shown a lot of interest in going on the potty. Everyday she goes at least 3-4 times on the toilet. It has been so exciting for all of us. There have even been a few times where she has asked to go without being prompted by one of us. Her enthusiasm for learning to go potty means I should probably take this time to really start focusing on potty training her. Wouldn't it be great to have her out of diapers by her 2nd birthday?! Maybe that will be my New Year's resolution....
Christmas morning is exhausting
Opening presents with Mason on Christmas morning
Goofy from Daddy! Thanks Daddy.
Opening presents Christmas Eve at Nana and Papa's!
Gabby and Peyton playing together.

This Christmas we were fortunate enough to spend the holidays with ALL of our family. Tony and Julie came up with Gabby, which was so exciting. We have not seen Gabby since Peyton's 1st Birthday. The girls are growing up so quickly. It was great to see them interact and play together. Peyton was of course spoiled by her grandparents and aunts/uncles.