Thursday, September 8, 2011

All in a day's work...

Goggles a girl's best friend!
Showing her "cute" face while Mommy scrambles to get her hair fixed.
Sitting on the sprinkler
Again with the goggles - required when running through sprinklers!
Daddy and Peyton's first fishing experience together. Unfortunately they did not catch fish on this trip only seaweed. A couple weeks later we took Peyton to a small man-made pond where you are guaranteed to catch fish. She was excited until they actually caught the fish. When Dom tried to show it to her, the fish slipped out of his hands and started flopping around on the ground. She wanted him to put the fish back in the water. After that we spent most of the time swinging while Dom fished. Peyton would prefer at this point to cast and reel, cast and reel...the actual fish are over rated!


With football season now in full swing it is important for me to make special family time. Dominic is so busy this time of year and Peyton misses him so much. So since there was finally a small break from football I convinced Dom we needed to head to the beach. So over Labor Day weekend we decided to head to Seaside for the morning. It was an absolutely beautiful day at the Oregon Coast. Peyton rode on the carousel, window shopped, and of course spent most of her time on the beach.
Running in the sand
She is striking her pose in this photo for me.
Dominic likely explaining about the waves and how to run away from them!
Precious daddy and daughter